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EU high-tech trade: Exports up in 2023

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In 2023, the EU imported €478 billion worth of high-tech products, a slight decrease compared with 2022 (-1%). At the same time, exports reached €461 billion (+3% compared with 2022).

Over half of the EU’s high-tech imports in 2023 came from China (32%; €155 billion) and the United States (23%; €108 billion), with other top partners being Switzerland (7%; €31 billion), Taiwan (6%; €28 billion) and the United Kingdom and Vietnam (each 4%; €20 and €19 billion respectively). 

Electronics-telecommunications accounted for the largest share of high-tech imports from non-EU countries (39%), for which China was the largest partner. Computers and office machines as well as pharmacy both accounted for 15% of high-tech imports, most of which came from China and the United States respectively. 

Eurostat, 4 October 2024