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Commercial air transport in August 2021: in recovery

In August 2021, the number of commercial flights in the EU increased by 48% compared with August 2020. This is still well below the pre-pandemic levels (-31% compared with August 2019).

In absolute terms, the number of commercial flights stood at 479 000 in August 2021, compared with 325 000 in August 2020 and 696 000 in August 2019.

The EU countries with the lowest decreases in commercial flights in August 2021 were Greece (-7% compared with August 2019), Romania (-18%) and Croatia (-22%). 

In contrast, flights decreased by more than half in Finland (-60% compared with August 2019), Ireland (-55%), Slovenia (-54%), Slovakia (-52%) and Czechia (-51%).

Eurostat, 14 September 2021