In 2024, the EU trade in goods balance registered a surplus of €147 billion, representing a €113 billion increase compared with 2023 (€34 billion).
Between 2014 and 2024, the EU recorded a trade surplus every year except for 2022, when high energy prices led to a significant deficit. In all other years, trade surpluses in machinery, vehicles, and chemicals outweighed the deficits caused by energy prices.
The chemicals and related products group registered the largest increase in the last decade, doubling the surplus observed in 2014 from €119.1 billion to €238.1 billion.
The balance of food and drink also increased significantly, from €33.5 billion to €52.4 billion. In contrast, other manufactured goods changed from a surplus of €35.3 billion in 2014 to a deficit of €11.2 billion in 2024.