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42% of all tourism nights in 2020 were spent in July and August

In 2020, the tourism industry suffered from the COVID-19 outbreak: the number of nights spent at EU tourist accommodation establishments dropped by 52% in 2020 compared with 2019.

The season between April and June was extremely calm in 2020, due to the travel restrictions as well as other precautionary measures taken in response. Less than 3% of all tourism nights in 2020 were spent in April and May, while the share of these two months stood at 15% in 2019.

The peak summer months, July and August, accounted for 42% of all nights spent in tourist accommodation in 2020, compared with 32% in 2019.

The impact of COVID-19 on tourism, in autumn 2020, was less pronounced than the dramatic decline in spring. The share of October to December in the annual nights spent dropped from 20% in 2019 to 13% in 2020.

Eurostat, 24 August 2021